Semi-permanent make-up fills in sparse brows, defines lash lines, and deepens lip colour, with results lasting between one and three years. All procedures are individually designed and personalized to your needs. 

The first session is typically 75 to 90 minutes. A lidocaine cream is applied, and after a discussion about design and colour, we use a microblade to insert iron oxide ink into desired areas. Results are always darker than desired and will shed after approximately five days—it’s best to plan for a day or two at home afterwards. Eyeliner and lip colour procedures will be puffy for up to 48 hours.

A touch-up appointment to add more detail and definition is usually required after six to eight weeks, after which you can expect to touch-up colour every one to three years.

$350 and up (based on consultation)

touch-ups $175 and up

All photos untouched


Pre and Post Information for optimum results with semi-permanent make-up:

Avoid sun 2 weeks prior and one month after procedure 

Avoid alcohol for 24-48 hours in advance, alcohol is a blood thinner. Any blood thinners that are not required for health reasons are best avoided for 48 hours prior. 

This procedure is not recommended for sensitive / rosacea skin, accutane users (+4 months min.), diabetics and some autoimmune disorders. The ink also is utilized faster, in most cases of anemia or a vegetarian lifestyle. 

Post procedure; no sweating or hot yoga / saunas for 72 hour. The skin needs to stay dry and protected with a thin layer of ointment for best results.

Book a consult for your quote and for more personalized details.